In my opinion this phrase have a lot of true, currently, with the solar panels, we only can produce a very little electricity. We only collect a very little percentage of energy in comparation with the energy that the sun send to our solar panels. Maybe the solution for the problem of no-renovable energies is to put a lot of solar panels in our houses and create a lot of fields filled of solar panels but i think that this will not operate. In the current times when the people see the price of one solar panel start to laugh, because they need a very big inversion which will be profitable a lot of years after. I think that the good solution is to improve the solar panels, we have to do solar panels which start to make the most of the sun energy we can achieve. And later, when we have did it, we can try to do more cheap solars panels. If we do that, the people will start to install solar panels in their houses and the pollution of earth will decrease a lot.
Hi Miquel!
ResponEliminaI agree with you when you say solar panels could be a good alternative in front of oil, for example. But, as you has also said, with the electricity it produces we can't do nothing, I mean solar panels don't produce enough energy for the high consume we have.
On the other hand, I disagree with you with the idea that pollution problems could be solved with solar panels because to make them we need a lot of energy which comes normally from oil.
I don't know, anyway, it would be great if your idea succeed.