dimarts, 16 de novembre del 2010

Oral presentation



The company was founded in 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen. They met when they were students, by their liking of programation. This same year the MITS( Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems ) company anounced that they had a new computer, the first personal computer. Then Bill Gates and Paul Allen developed the first version of the interpreter for that computer and sold it. In that moment was when Bill Gates let the Harvard university and founded Microsoft with Paul Allen. At first Microsoft was a company which design interpreters for others companies. But in 1980, obtained a contract from IBM that asked for a new OS for the IBM PC. That contract had a problem, they only had one year to design that new OS and they couldn't do it. So they buy the QDOS interpreter from Seattle and changed his name to MS_DOS. What is QDOS? QDOS is a OS desinged from Tim Petterson. The acronyms of it mean "Quick and Dirty Operating System" and the spanish traduction of that is: Sistema Operativo Rápido y Sucio. Just hearing that name, and knowing that this OS was designed by one person with less than two months copying from another operating system CP/M. What we can expect from that? We can imagine that this operating system was a crap. Well, now I have to say that QDOS is the base of the current Windows operating systems. That can be incredible but is the pure and poor truth. After this, in 1984, Microsoft had sold a lot of computers with QDOS as interpreter.

Now I will talk about some products of Microsoft company.

There you can see some examples of these products.

I will start with this section talking about Windows live messenger. Messenger was created at 1999 from Microsoft. It's basically a system of instant courier, at first that only work with Windows, but now we can use it with iOS.

Micosoft office is the most popular suite office used by the users of Windows and Mac. IT have a lot of aplications like Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook, Acces and more. It is actualized every year with new and better aplications but every year is more and more expensive.

Xbox is the first games console produced by Microsoft. It had be created to compite with the Playstation 2 from Sony and the GameCube from Nintendo.

Xbox have a very large list of games, from games for childhood to bloodthirsty games for adults.

Microsoft Game Studios is a little company into Microsoft Corporation which develops and published games for computers based in Windows. They also produce games for the Xbox.

Windows Internet Explorer is a web navigator created by Microsoft in 1995 to use it with Windows. In 1999 it was the most popular web navigator in the world, the 99 per cent of the population utilized it. But actually her popularity are decreasing and only the 50 per cent of the population are using it.

Windows Phone is an mobile OS. Used by Smartphones( the cellular phones of Microsoft) and some other mobiles from other brands like HTC, LG and SAMSUNG.

Windows Phone is an mobile OS. Used by Smartphones( the cellular phones of Microsoft) and some other mobiles from other brands like HTC, LG and SAMSUNG. The mobiles which use this OS have the same estructure that the windows of the computers.


Well now I will evaluate my oral presentation. This term we had to chose a topic related with computers. Me and Pep had done it about Microsoft and his monopoly. For doing the presentation we used a powerpoint and some attractive images. While I was doing my presentation I looked at my audience and I did gestures to indicate different images. I think that our presentation was organized and arranged with the discourse markers and it had an interesting and current topic. We exposed a information which affect all the people in the class and now they know something about Microsoft and his history. I hadn't a lot of interruptions and my vocabulary was varied. For all these reasons I think that the note of my presentation should be 7.

3 comentaris:

  1. I like your oral exposition Miquel, the topic was really good, and you know about my pasion for computer science jaja! I think that your oral was a good task and the joke at the end of the explanation was very cool! thank you for this good time!


  2. Hey men,
    I think that it was cool (without the problems of memory :P), you showed all the faces of informatics, and I think that was cool!
    I give you an advice: If you don't talke fluently people becom boring stiff, if you take a bottle of water (or a pencil, or another thing), you can play with it, and show something of the powerpoint, among other things...

  3. I like your oral presentation, you had a lot of interesting information about computers, and I lerned a lot about the evolution of the computer's world.
    Congratulation Pep and Miki! I will be waiting your next oral presentation!
