Culture Minister of Spain, Angeles Gonzalez Sinde announced that his stinking law will be operational this summer. This law was approved on february 15, the PSOE, PP and CiU voted for it.
That law says that the new organitzation "Comisión de propiedad intelectual" will be able to close all the webs they want without have to say anything to any judge. I think that is crazy, i'm very angry with that because they will be able to do all that they want.
The culture minister think that this law will allow a lot of business be create in internet. Jajaja I laugh about that, they think that they will be able to control the net but anyone can control it, is a monster, is the biggest thing ever saw, there are a lot of secret servers and hackers who have more protection in their nets that a nuclear bunker. This law is a shit followed by the big law, "Ley de Economía Sostenible" it seems a joke.
Sustainable economy? in Spain? are you kidding me? my god this nation is old, tired, she can do anything to improve her health, now she only can die and I don't want to be there when that happen.
Govern abolishes this law now! You are crazy! Internet is free! Is for all the people and they can do all that they want there! Everybody pays for it, it have to be a right!
Jaja O my god Miki XD!
ResponEliminaI know that if this law will be approved the hackers like us will lose our professional future but I think that all people in this world know that if they try to authenticate this law anybody can't update their system so I'm sure that they don't approved it.... I hope...
That's right, it's another incompetent fact from this "valued" government. They don't know how to do it worse...
ResponEliminaI'm sure that the net will become more unsafe, and that will brings an evolution of the uses of internet. And what's about the P2P programmes?, will they search who's using it? Are they going to spy our private use of internet?
They don't know what are they speaking about...
I'm still laughing at your writing style!
ResponEliminaI like this way of criticize everything related on the Spanish Government ;)
I'm in favour of the idea to abolish this law because as you says, there is anything to do against Internet. Hackers and informatics specialists can do what they want on it.
Anyway, I don't think this law will affect us in the future. I believe we'll be able to continue using any programme to download songs, videos or anything else.
To conclude, I thank you to inform us what this law is about. I didn’t know it.
Good work!