diumenge, 6 de març del 2011
Description in a podcast.
The Sinde law.

Carnival of Sant Pere

Hope for early bowel cancer DNA test
divendres, 4 de març del 2011
TV serie: WEEDS

dimecres, 2 de març del 2011
New game: [Bulletstorm]

iPad 2 tablet

It had been widely speculated that he would not appear owing to his ill health.
Mr Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2004.
Speaking on stage, he said: "We have been working on this product for a while and I just didn't want to miss today."
Apple has billed the iPad 2 as slimmer, lighter and faster than its predecessor.
The new device features the company's latest dual core A5 processor, which, it is claimed, delivers twice the processing power of the original iPad.
iPad 2 will go on sale in the US on 11 March, followed by 26 other countries, including the UK, on 25 March.
In the United States, pricing will remain the same as for the first iPad, between $499 (£305) and $826 (£505). Other countries are also expected to retain their original pricing models.
Lately the business of tablets computers has grown a lot. At the first time only Apple produced, but now HP and Samsung are producing and selling a lot of tablets PC. Currently Apple has the market dominance but the competition are growing their market. Anyway Apple is the most advanced company with the tablets PC so they developed a new version of her iPad, the iPad 2. I believe that the iPad 2 will be more slim, light and fast because it have a best microprocessor, but there is a thing that I don't think is true: The price will be the same of her predecessor. I think that this is only a dream, I don't remember any case in the world where that happened. Maybe it will be true and if it happen it would be a heavy hit by the competition of HP and Samsung.
I'm sure that a lot of people will buy that wonder of the electronic engineering and maybe I will be one of them.
dimarts, 1 de març del 2011
Oral Presentation second term
Good morning, my name is Miquel Isern Roca. The issue of my research ptoject is the Java programming language.
The first reason because I chose this topic was that I always had great love for the consoles especially for computers and their games. From an early age I playes with my uncle's arcade machines and I've always been curious to know how those games funct. Another cause which made me chose this topic was because I want to know if programmation would be an interesting job.
At the beginning of the work I set three goals:
-Learn as more as possible of programming with Java.
-Designing the code of some programs and understand their execution.
-Introduced me into the world of programmation and analyze whether I might want to be a programmer in the future.
This work consists in two sections:
The first is the theorical part of the work where I have defined some of the most basic and important concepts of Java, some of them are variables, classes, objects among others.
The second sectionis the practical part, here is where I explained the three final projects I've done with Java, are two calculators and a simple game.
The integer calculator was the first project that I developed. It is a very simple program that can do additions, subtractions, divisions, multiplications and square roots. This program has some problems.
After seeing the problems of the first program I looked for some posible ways to resolve them.
The second project is a second calculator in an applet. This works better than the last.This calculator has other advantages over the first, can be used repeatedly without re-run, can calculate and give all results with decimal numbers and can be run from all computers.
I learned a lot drawing the gun , the bullet and the ground.
The player can change the angle and speed of the bullet to achieve the objectives using the arrow keys. In addition, the ground of the game is not always the same, each time you run it creates one random ground.
The goal of the game is very simple, the player have to move the cannon always located at the bottom right of the screen changing the tilt angle and the initial velocity of the bullet trying to hit one of the objectives of the screen.
The results achieved in this work have been the expected goals.
I must also say that even from a zero knowledge of computer programming, the goals of my work have been reached. I learned the basics of programming with Java, I managed to introduce myself in this new world and have created three programs which are quite interesting for me.
In this section I will evaluate my oral presentation. This term I had to chose the topic of my research project so I told about my project, my goals, my motivations and the results of my effort. For doing the presentation I used a powerpoint and some attractive which unfortunately had a big problem with my pen drive virus. While I was doing my presentation I looked at my audience and I did gestures to indicate different sections of the powerpoint. I think that my presentation was organized and arranged with the discourse markers. I exposed a information which affect me a lot because I will study something like this and now the people of the class know something about programation and my research project. I hadn't a lot of interruptions and my vocabulary was varied. For all these reasons I think that the note of my presentation should be 7.